Wednesday, 4 January 2012

One to one interview

This is a one to one interview I did with shannon, this was apart of my research and investigation into thriller films and title sequences. In This interview i had to ask shannon a series of questions in order to find out watch films she likes, what she likes about them, how she watches them and what would make her want to go and see more. This will help me with my title sequence as I would know what my target audience would like to see in a film and i could create my title sequence suited to them in the best way. 

Shannon Dwyer - Interviewee

Specific Questionnaire


This is a specific questionnaire that was given to a group of 20 people to see what they liked and disliked specifically about a thriller film/opening sequence.

General Questionnaire


This is a General Questionnaire that was given to a group of 20 people to see what was generally popular in a film and opening sequence.